Entertainment SA and TV viewers are shocked on hearing about DJ Sbu’s announcement that he is leaving “Friends like these” after spending a decade (full ten years) on the show.
And guess who the successor is? The one and only Mr. Hilarious Trevor Gumbi. Our source confirmed that the comedian and actor Trevor Gumbi will be taking over from the DJ!
Trevor started shooting the first episode this Monday, how exciting. When contacted for comment, SABC 1 channel head Maijang Mpherwnae, wouldn’t confirm nor deny that the funny comedian was joining the crew.
Mpherwane further said: ‘’SABC1 is still exploring options in regards to the future of “Friends like these”.
‘’An announcement will be made once the relevant candidate or candidates are chosen , and other procedural elements are ironed out.’’
Trevor’s manager, Lucille Gumbi, said: ‘’ we haven’t finalised it yet. Once it’s final. We will let everyone know.’’
Trevor was unavailable for comment at the time when the this was due to be published. But if that’s the case, then Friends Like These better be ready for a funny, game-mode momentum..
Picture credit: bereamail.co.za
Entertainment SA | Celebrity and Gossip News
Article by: Tebogo Nkabinde