Truth is, most people, male or female, have been pressured to have sex even when they know that is goes against their own beliefs. Such pressure usually comes from people that they look up to and thought they have their best interests at heart, which is not the case. Some partners even feel obliged and do not have room to even have a say, which is considered to be an abusive behaviour.
You are just not ready
When you are unsure about whether you are now ready or not, then it is advisable to not rush and end up making immature and not so wise decisions. If you feel like not taking that step yet, so what? You have the right to wait until you feel comfortable enough to have sex. Not everyone will feel ready to be intimate with someone at different stages of their lives. What is important is YOU need to only have sex when YOU are ready to.
When it doesn’t feel right, don’t force it
So, you’ve met this guy who is pretty cool to chill with, but there is just…no…chemistry! Every time you are alone together you can’t bring yourself to even kiss him. You have ‘friend zoned’ him way before you have even realised it! That’s all right. Just being friends is still cool. It will be much worth it with someone you simply can’t friend zone.
You value your beliefs
Your beliefs don’t necessarily have to be religious. It simply could mean you see worth and value in waiting – you believe that you are special and the person who you will eventually have sex with has recognized that worth too. This is a great feeling
Reduced risk for contracting HIV, STIs and pregnancy
Do not let the society fool you into making you think that abstaining is not cool. It is actually the best decision you can make for yourself. When you start engaging in sexual acts for the first time, having an experience of feeling so much paranoia might start kicking in. You might worry about things like ‘the condom breaking’ which means you might be pregnant already or you might have even caught an STI. You are now in a constant state of fear and worry that you even rush to get tested for pregnancy and possible STI’s.
You will tell which guys are not worth your time
Waiting until you are older to have sex will not only help you pick out which guys are just not worth it. It will make it too obvious as to who just wanted to have sex with no feeling or emotions attached to it. The older you get, the more obvious it will be to see who just wants to have sex with you and nothing more. This will also make you realise which guys are worth your time and energy.
It’s your body
You definitely do not need to explain further than when you said no. A no is a no, end of story and no explanations needed. Nobody has the right to do anything to your body unless you give them the go ahead and permission to. It is okay to say no without feeling bad and it is okay to abstain until you are ready, for it is within your right to decide what you want to do with your body and who you want to do it with