Netflix has unveiled its latest local thriller series, “Soon Comes Night,” a captivating tale set against the transformative backdrop of South Africa spanning the 1980s to the 2000s. The six-part series, produced by Ochre Moving Pictures, follows the life of liberation hero turned heist king, Alex Shabane (played by Kwenzo Ngcobo), who must face the consequences of his crimes, becoming the target of Detective Oosthuizen’s (portrayed by Albert Pretorius) relentless pursuit.
The narrative kicks off with an adrenaline-pumping cash-in-transit heist in Johannesburg, seamlessly transitioning to Shabane’s celebrated status in his community for providing support. The series authentically captures the local flavor of 2000s Johannesburg, featuring classic Gusheshes, iconic hairstyles, stylish fashion, and a curated soundtrack dominated by Kwaito hits from artists like Mapaputsi, Zola, Lebo Mathosa, and TKZee.
The stellar cast, including Kenneth Nkosi, Dumisani Bembe, Didintle Khunou, Sisanda Henna, Connie Chiume, Mavuso Simelane, Don Mlangeni, and Albert Pretorius, adds depth to the narrative. The plot weaves together political-influenced crimes, the Pimville slasher case, and Detective Oosthuizen’s pursuit of justice. As he endeavors to apprehend Alex Shabane, a former freedom fighter entangled in political and criminal webs, the series unfolds as a gritty crime drama inspired by real events.
Alex Shabane takes center stage, evolving from a young thief into a liberation hero turned heist king. As he embarks on audacious cash heists and challenges the new government, Detective Oosthuizen, a broken man dealing with family issues, health concerns, grief, and a dysfunctional police force, is tasked with bringing him to justice.
The collision of these two contrasting characters reflects the complexities of old and new South Africa, where a painful past clashes with the promise of freedom. Thato Sekoati (Didintle Khunou) joins Detective Oosthuizen, navigating a male-dominated police force while dealing with personal stakes tied to her father’s unsolved murder.
Casting director Terry Pheto deserves praise for assembling a stellar cast that brings authenticity to this raw and relevant production. With a solid script and engaging storyline, “Soon Comes Night” is a refreshing watch for fans of local productions. While the first three episodes deliver a punch, the series maintains its compelling nature throughout, making it a significant addition to the landscape of South African crime dramas. All six episodes of the series are available for streaming on Netflix.
Main image: Yo Mzansi